
BunnyCareAndMore is a website where you can learn how to successfully care for your rabbit/s! You can send us a private email or a private message on youtube and we can personally give you an answer to suite you and your bunny!

Monday, July 9, 2012


Hi everyone well I just finished my dance workshop, so im pretty sore. Anyway I will be in melbourne later this week so I wont be on the computer. Hope you all have a lovely week!


Friday, July 6, 2012


Hey everyone,
Sorry that I haven't posted anything in awhile. In case you didn't know I am a dancer and dance everyday, so finding the time to go on the computer is very difficult. I planned to get a bunny in June and it's now July. Unfortunately I can't get a bunny until next year because a few months ago I was asked to perform at Disneyland next year! I live in Australia so that is pretty cool! So I will be away for a while next year and I have quite a few performances this year which means there is no time for me to look after a bunny. Anyway in the mean time I am going to keep posting tips, tricks and stuff like that. Also please share your experiences as well because it will be great to learn all different idea's and helpful thoughts that other people have learnt over the years as a bunny owner!

Hope to post again soon

B.C.A.M :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Hey Bunny World

Hello people of the bunny world and welcome to BunnyCareAndMore! Go on youtube to watch our videos or you can look around our website! Have fun